Christian Apostolic Fellowship of Churches International, Inc.

Christian Education
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. -2 Timothy 3:16-17
The Christian Education auxiliary's goal is to provide deep-rooted biblical teaching that will encourage, strengthen, enlighten, promote growth (spiritually and naturally) as well as equip the people of God to live a separated life of truth that is pleasing unto Christ after His will for them.
​Courses & Programs​
Evangelical Training Association (ETA)
ETA is a 5-6 months long Bible-based training and certification course for ministers, teachers, leaders and all who desire and have an interest in furthering their knowledge of the Bible and Bible related topics. For more information visit the page​
CAFOCII Scholarship Program
Every year we award a scholarship to one (1) graduating high school senior that has been accepted to a post-secondary institution to encourage and assist them in their educational journey. Eligible applicants must be a member of a church that is within the Christian Apostolic Fellowship of Churches.
For more information on eligibility and application, please contact the scholarship director Jamie Stephens:​
If you would like to give a tax deductible donation to the scholarship fund
​Thank you for your support and generosity.
Department Officers
Bishop Mark A. Pulliam, Advisor
Deacon Scott Stephens Sr., Chairperson
Evangelist Jenifer Jorge, Assistant Chairperson
Tammy Breland, Secretary/Treasurer
Jamie Stephens, Scholarship Director
Evangelist Tiffanie Coleman, ETA Coordinator